Heart to Heart

Little Ones to Him Belong

We recently had a special dedication ceremony for our sweet little boy on top of Signal Mountain outside a little old brown church. Our family and friends gathered near as we publicly gave our baby to Jesus. We shared a fellowship meal together as Maxwell shared his slobbery kisses and giggles. It was such a special day for our family as we were reminded of God’s continual miracle in our life. We truly felt the presence of God shining down on us.

Here is the letter that we wrote for Maxwell and read at the dedication.

Dear Maxwell,

Though you don’t know it now, today is a very special day. Today, Mommy and Daddy have chosen to dedicate you in a public way to Jesus. But not only do we want to dedicate you, we also want to rededicate our own lives to Jesus. The journey to you has been one of heartbreak, constant trust in God, and undeniable joy. There were times when we thought we would never experience parenthood. You were such a prayed for little baby. A yearning of our hearts. However, Jesus had you in the palm of his hands just waiting and watching and gifting you to us in His perfect time. Maxwell, you are truly a gift from God. You light up our world and fill the crevasses of our hearts with so much joy. We never knew our hearts could love THIS much. It is through this new found love that we have gained a deeper understanding of God’s love. As our love has grown for you we are constantly blown away that Jesus’s love for you is even greater. Mommy doesn’t know how there could be a love greater than the love she has for you, but, oh little boy, there must be because it was Jesus that gave us you. As your parents, we dedicate ourselves to showing you and teaching you about Jesus’s love. We pray that we will set before you an example of kindness, gentleness, humility, patience, forgiveness, perseverance, diligence, honesty, respectfulness, and grace. We have been blessed with a great responsibility to “train up a child in the way he should go” and we ask that Jesus will guide us in raising you and that we will always remember that you are God’s child first. Every morning when we look in the mirror together and say “I am strong, I am brave, I am kind, I am important, I am loved, I am a child of God” we pray that more than anything you will always remember that you, my son, are a child of God and are so incredibly loved. You are here for a reason and as your parents we will always be here to help guide you as the Lord leads in your life. You see all these people here today? They are also here to help guide us. Mommy and Daddy can’t do this alone and we are so thankful to be surrounded by spiritual people who love and support us. Maxwell, Mommy and Daddy love you so very much. You are truly the greatest gift.

Thank you to all of our friends and family who made this day extra special.




Photography: Beth Crerar
Cake: Cassie Williams
Cookies: Brooke Smith
Set up/Decor: Elisabeth Hartman, Diane Ruhling, Lisette Jones

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  • Aunt Cindy
    June 3, 2019 at 12:12 am

    Biz, that is the most beautiful letter to a child I have ever read. What a gift of precious truths in amazing words you have given Maxwell to hold on to when he is old enough to read and understand the meaning. The pictures were so nice. What a blessed day you truly had. I can’t wait to meet this sweet little boy.

    • elisabethdiane
      June 23, 2019 at 4:10 pm

      Thank you! I can’t wait for you to meet him too! You guys should come visit us in Denver 😉