Heart to Heart

A Letter to Maxwell on his second Birthday

Dear Maxwell,

You are 2 years old today. The past year has been full of so many changes. We finished our year in Colorado, moved to TN, and welcomed a new baby. My sweet boy, you have handled all these big changes with confidence and excitement. I have looked to you many times during these big transitions and found such comfort and peace in your carefree adventurous spirit.

You have grown so much this past year. Your little personality is shining so bright! There isn’t a day that goes by that you don’t have those around you laughing. You love to learn and catch on to things very quickly. You know more shapes than Mommy does, can count to twelve, sing your ABC’s, and can officially carry on quite the conversation! Building legos, playing blocks, coloring and crafts, and creating with random objects are a few of your favorite activities. You are obsessed with all things outdoors. Some of my favorite memories with you are our weekend hikes in Colorado. You love going for walks, playing at the playground, throwing balls, and can spend hours in the sandbox. You love all food. You thoroughly enjoy going with Mommy and Daddy to try out new restaurants and food. And almost every morning you ask for a “tiny little bit” of Mommy’s coffee. And of course, I always look forward to our Mommy and Maxwell dates.

You have such a sweet spirit. A kind, gentle, and sensitive heart. You are always looking out for others. Every day, you make sure Mommy has her water, share your food with me, and tell Daddy not to forget his water or keys when he leaves for work. You tell Mommy to “be careful, Mommy, don’t fall” when we go down the stairs together, and to “watch out, Mommy” when you see a car coming on our walks. And the phrase you say quite often that melts my heart is when you tell Brother, “It’s okay, Brother, I gotch you” when you hear him crying. You are truly a very thoughtful and caring little boy.

You have taken to your new role as a “Big Brother” and you are the best big brother ever! I know it hasn’t been the easiest having to share Mommy and Daddy, but you have handled everything like a champ. Miles is so lucky to have you as his big brother.

Most of all, the thing that I have loved watching grow this past year is your relationship with Jesus. I’m not quite sure what your view of Jesus is or what He means to you, but every day you constantly ask to read your “Jesus” books and are always singing about Jesus and referencing Him in your play. You have started saying prayers on your own and memorizing scripture with Mommy. Hearing your sweet voice talk with Jesus melts my heart. Oh, how Jesus must feel when He hears you! I pray every day that Jesus will always be your best friend and that God will guide me in fostering that relationship.

Maxwell David, you are my pride and joy. Every year just gets better with you in our lives. Being your Mommy is the greatest thing in the whole wide world. I feel blessed beyond measure.

May this new year of life bring you more adventure, joy, and smiles. I can’t wait to watch you grow and hold your hand through this next year.

Happy 2nd Birthday baby boy. Mommy loves you more than you will ever know.

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